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Welcome to 2018! The Year of Mastership & Partnership!

Welcome to 2018!

As we usher in a NEW YEAR each year holds within it the frequency of the number pertaining to each year, an Energy Vibration which holds certain themes for the globe and individually.

Let’s have a look first at what the Year 2018 brings with it, for the collective and humanity as we move deeper into this human consciousness shift.

2+0+1+8 = 11 – Number 11 is a Master Number that often does not get broken down into its singular form, however, my sense is that this year holds two very important energy points one from the Master Number 11 and also that which it gets broken down into 1+1 = 2 – Number two is about Partnerships, Balance and working together.

Purely by the number frequency of this year, it offers much more promise than the previous ones, which were more about breaking down old structures and starting to path the new foundations to create new ways.

The key themes for this year will be around Mastering Self, Purpose and Destiny ~ it offers a magical type feel for those who dare to explore the deeper levels of expanded consciousness and follow their calling. Being guided from the soul and heart, which often is a path less travelled until NOW.

The Master Number 11 brings forward the energies of being your own Self Master and Guru, following the path that is best for you, working with your own unique gifts and talents and bringing them to the forefront as an asset for others, this can be down through Healing, Supporting, Teaching, Creative endeavours ~ WHAT COMES NATURALLY to you which from a soul perspective is something which has been mastered through many lifetimes.

This year has huge support for what, you may have felt that the years leading up to now have been showing you the way, yet the timing wasn’t in alignment. As we embrace the new energy which comes through for this year we have great universal support to see our dreams come into reality. By showing up, living in authentic ways and embodying the path you have chosen to embrace.

In addition to this, we also have the energy of the NUMBER 2 year – the energy vibration is very much about working in partnership, balance, unity, working together in unison. So this year will have a very particular focus on Relationships.

Our deep connection of the relationship we hold with ourselves and finding that balance. As we live in that balanced space it brings the alignment of Intimate Relationships. This will be a Game Changer year for people who are Twin Flames or working towards their own Divine Partnership.

The universal energy supports these high-vibration connections especially this year to come together find their balance and work together harmoniously. And path the way for other initiates who are embarking on their journey. As many more will follow over the coming years.

All Relationships will be in focus not just the Divine Partnerships, yet many more soul connections will come through and be made, as the number 2 vibration is all about coming together and working towards a common goal. Unity consciousness for one is the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY!

However, that takes shape in so many forms: Projects, Collaborations, Conscious Business, Changing structures to bring forward new prosperous ways the support society – through Education, Financial, Community, and Governing Structures and bringing back the ancient ways where hierarchy has NO place, where everyone is on an equal playing field and everyone focuses in the benefit of the ALL.

Reach out and connect with those who share the same ideas and work towards something that has humanity's best interests at heart and be amazed by the magic and synchronicity that fills and supports these endeavours as we path the way to reconstruct this NEW WORLD!

2018 feels to me to be the tipping point of this paradigm shift and all the hard work we have been doing over the many years leading to this point will bring forward the so many magnificent fruits of our labour. Might feel massive however one day, step and moment at a time, things come together and start falling into place!

Individually we also have our own personal Numerology Number which gives us a personal insight into what will be key themes over the coming year. Our lives go through many cycles and in Numerology 9 year cycles hold key elements for each year.

So firstly if you are not familiar with how to work out your Numerology year, let’s have a look at that. It’s simple you just add up the date and month you were born and then the current year.

An example: 10 March birthday would look like this 1+0+3+2+0+1+8 = 15 then we break it down to a singular digit. 1+5 = 6 ~ So this means you are 2018 is a Number 6 Year!

Below I will go through a brief overview of key themes for each year: So as you start to create your intentions for this NEW YEAR ~ It’s always a good idea to keep in mind the energy of the year you are leading into so that you can understand the natural cycles and themes which will have a main focus to work harmoniously with them to get the best out of your 2018 year!

ONE YEAR – Leadership, Independence, learning new skills, setting up new foundations for the next 9-year cycle, working independently, building strength & courage, taking the leap of faith. Things which could be a theme – Study, Acquiring new knowledge, growing ideas, change in life path or direction for the better. Starting new businesses or projects and laying down strong foundations.

TWO YEAR – Relationships, Harmony, Balance, Unison, working together, forming new romantic relationships (or strengthening existing ones) new friendships, work partnerships. Finding the perfect balance between work and home life. Things which could be a theme – Commitment, Engagement or Marriage, new friendship circles, being involved in community-based projects, having lots of strength and support from others in whatever you work towards. Finding new lifestyle routines that support health and happiness.

THREE YEAR – Communication, Cooperation, Socialisation, Creative expression, writing, public speaking, enjoying social aspects, having more time with friends and loved ones to enjoy your connections, Things which might be a theme: Writing a book, bringing people together, lots of social events, community-focused ideas, looking at ways to use your creative talents for a soulful career & creating workshop, seminars and public speaking to teach others.

FOUR YEAR – Practicality, diligence, hard work, focus, patience, attention to detail, slower paced, steadier movement, research, concepts, ideas, inner healing, reflection and spiritual wisdom. Things which might be a theme: Doing research on certain topics of interest, practical work and background work to set up for the years to come, learning new insights of self and personal growth is a massive key point to show you how strong you are. Can be quite an introverted year where the focus will be on healing, self-reflection and understanding your place in the universe.

FIVE YEAR – Travel, exploration & adventure. Fast movement, rapid change, unpredictability, creativity, art through creative expression, consolidation bringing ideas into form, unexpected opportunities. Things which might be a theme: Bringing some ideas together to embark on a creative process, consolidation of projects into one, travelling and exploration of new places, unexpected events to act as a catalyst to move you forward into a rewarding pathway or direction. Furthering your career.

SIX YEAR – Family, harmony, joy, fulfilment, peace, balance, happy home life, children, many aspects coming together, open-hearted, playfulness, enjoyment of rewards, Things which might be a theme: Having a harmonious family life, moving house and building a family home, welcoming children into the family, starting a family, peaceful relationships.

SEVEN YEAR – Soul searching, truth seeking, inner wisdom, introspective, inner peace, understanding life’s mysteries, tapping into soul purpose and calling. Things which might be a theme: Going within and spending time alone, reading and studying, delving into esoteric and spiritual wisdom and knowledge to gain deeper understandings. Learning more about yourself and who you really are.

EIGHT YEAR – Abundance, prosperity, rewards, acknowledgement, recognition, paying it forwards, ability to be of service to others, success in personal development which reflects in having the abundance around you. Things which might be a theme: Financially prosperous, success in work or business, being in the position to assist others through own gain and success. Being recognised for your work and talents & having an influential capacity to raise awareness and positive impact on others.

NINE YEAR – Completion, endings and new beginnings, humanitarian outlook, being at the top of your game, reaching the height of your journey, looking towards new challenges and pathways. Things which might be a theme: Being the leader in your field of expertise, leaving a positive impact in the world, tying up loose ends, bringing things that no longer serve you to a close. Feeling the pull towards new endeavours, feeling the optimism of starting a new journey.

In whatever you are looking forward to in this year, may you have all the support and guidance of the universe as 2018 will be a ‘Game changer” on many levels. Keep your light shining brightly for all to see as we create a new and beautiful world together!

Written by Alisha Braché

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