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Lemuria ~ Twin Souls ~ Interdimensional Conception ~ New Earth Children

Lemuria: The civilisation of Lemuria is one of an ancient lost civilization that existed before the time of Atlantis. Which dates back to 12,500 years ago, the large continent is believed to be stretched over parts of the South Pacific region.

One theory of why no traces of this civilization have been uncovered is that it was on a different dimension from where our current civilisation is today. Many feel they have a strong connection with this civilisation having past life incarnations, much information is available through people’s own experiences of recalling these memories through past life regression, memory recall and through channellings.

On Lemuria, they were living on a higher dimensional existence of what we would consider the 5th Dimension. They were very intuitive and psychic, which allowed them foresight that they were coming to the end of Earth’s cycle which would see Earth move down into a 3rd dimensional existence.

For a period of time, the inhabitants of Earth would experience a contrast of duality and separation, before moving back into higher dimensional of living. This would then give the opportunity for Earth and all people who lived during this time to Ascend into this higher way of living and return to a 5th-dimensional state.

Many of the Lemurians during this time, chose to move to different locations around the world. They would store their important and sacred knowledge.

The path chosen for some would be that they would keep incarnating upon Earth through various lifetimes to participate in the preparation of seeding this wisdom and knowledge. Throughout our indigenous tribes still practicing the form of interdimensional conception, which would enable them to bring forth highly evolved souls into Earth to help teach and show the way for humanity to Ascend at the turn of the next Evolutionary Cycle.

We see this throughout history from Ancient Egyptians, many tribes throughout South, Central & North America, Aboriginals of Australia, the Essene Community, the high plateaus of Tibet and the Northern Indian Region – they all brought forth leaders who led the way and formed many of our traditional religions which we see present today. The core of the message from each one is the same no matter what label you place upon it.

Earth has been through many cycles in the past which at the time brings about a pole shift and aligns with a consciousness shift of the entire planet. During the transitional phase of each cycle, the world moves into a phase of chaos that collapses governing structures such as financial, social, and political and Earth experiences great geographical changes of extreme weather patterns and the sinking of entire continents as we saw during the rise and fall of Atlantis.

As we have been seeing signs of this transition on Earth over the past few years and as we move further into turbulent times, it certainly poses much more exciting changes for us. They can be felt by sensitive souls who know deep within their hearts that they came forth during this time.

Lemuria knew and understood that this time would come and in essence, have come back to incarnate – having within them soul essence and understanding of how to interdimensionaly conceive children of a higher frequency to help bring about new Wayshowers into our New Earth.

This is something that the soul knows and understands yet not necessarily a conscious awareness of the individuals performing this sacred act. To understand this process better we need to look at the aspect of Twin Souls more commonly known as Twin Flames.

These are the essence of the same soul inhabiting two bodies the polarity of the divine masculine and divine feminine counterparts. At the beginning of creation was one and then chose to split apart to experience duality and separation, the main point is to have as many experiences as possible throughout all their incarnations to come back together in the final Earth incarnation to go through the unification and ascension process together.

Many of these Twin Souls had their very first Earth incarnation together on Lemuria where the higher frequencies of Earth gave them a suitable environment to live together harmoniously. Many of these Twin Souls were trained and could interdimensionaly conceive a child of higher vibration for their communities. As we descended into lower frequencies on Earth since the time of Lemuria these twin souls have gone about all their incarnations separately.

Either incarnating at the same time in different locations, with very little probability of crossing paths or alternating incarnations as one would live out a lifetime as the other guides them from the other side. At each point in a Major Earth cycle, they could choose to come back together to bring forth a master through the process of interdimensional conception of a child and raise this child together.

In what we have seen in some cases, the mother chose to have the incarnation without the physical presence of the father in that lifetime yet the process is still carried out in the same way, in what we would witness a divine or virgin birth.

No doubt in these stories there is always a form of father caretaker who has chosen to play the role of father, yet not necessarily the actual father as the child was conceived on a higher dimensional level by their twin soul on the other side. Regardless of how the process takes place, the importance of the masculine father’s role in the physical is one of great importance for the love, nurture, and upbringing of the child.

In the current day what we are witnessing more and more is Twin Souls incarnating into the planet at the same time to come together for the unification and Ascension process. Not only for themselves. This frequency is experienced as this pair reunites for the first time in a long time helping the earth Ascension process for the benefit of all.

As part of this process, some of these Twin Souls have agreed to come back and bring forth highly evolved souls into the planet through interdimensional conception the same way they did during their incarnation on Lemuria. Although still in our semi-awakened state in some cases not consciously aware of this agreement until the process has already taken place.

As these Twin Souls have a unique blend of energy that compliments and interacts as one, this process could take the place of the conception of a child without physical contact as they are constantly interacting on higher dimensional levels. It would make perfect sense as these souls have already participated in this process before in other various incarnations, they are simply tapping into what their soul already knows how to do naturally.

It may be the only way the soul knows how to bring forward new life.

This is very important for two reasons one being that during this time Earth is going through its own Ascension process into the 5th dimension. It is one of the pathways to Ascension for souls who chose this path. The other reason being is that birthing a soul through what we would consider normal terms in our 3D dimensional paradigm can karmically link both parents to Earth.

As mentioned previously when Twin Souls come back for unification they are graduates and no longer need to incarnate back on Earth, therefore interdimensionally conceiving and birthing a child in this way negates any Karmic ties with the child and with Earth.

This information comes from my own insight and personal experience, now exploring some text of what others have said about the topic.

According to the teachings of Thoth via the work of Drunvalo Melchizedek in the Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life Volume 1 & 2.

“This was the first Mystery school in this cycle of earth where Ay and Tiya taught others resurrection or ascension through tantra which means union with God through Sexual practices. This inter-dimensional lovemaking was taught to about 1000 people which created 333 families who were able to do this.

If they continued teaching this process, they would have changed the whole race into a new form of consciousness. God then determined this was not the right time for this. The Lemurians were highly developed and were psychic so, knew beforehand the sinking of their lands was going to take place. They moved their artifacts to places now known as Lake Titicaca and Mount Shasta, among other places.”

Interesting information on the origins of the people in Lemuria and also how they conceived and birthed children comes from a book called – “Coming Home to Lemuria” by Charmain Redwood

“As ancient Lemurians, we first came to Earth as fluid Beings of Light who could assume any body shape or form. Everything in our society was created from liquid light. We came from the source as Golden Light filtered through the Great Central Sun where we created form as Elohim or Lords or Light.

The energy from the Great Central Sun was filtered again through the star systems. As highly evolved Beings of Light who had travelled beyond the Light, we were able to move through dimensions easily as we do now in our human form as we fly through the air airplanes/gliders/jets/rockets, hang gliders etc. We carried our consciousness to many different star systems including Andromeda, Arcturus, Pleiades, Alpha Centauri, Orion and also Venus, as we collected skills and knowledge from each system to use on Earth.”

“In the beginning the female and male energy and that of the child would all blend their essences together as light before they started to create the physical vehicle for the child to embody, ensuring that the combination was suitable. Throughout this, a group of people toned into the entire point of the circle to support the unique combination of the individuals involved. In addition, there were people who would monitor the process to determine if the parents and children were going to be in vibrational harmony.

The monitors saw the colours in the energy field of all three entities and observed what happened when they came together. If their frequencies didn’t match energetically they didn’t go through with the birth. If the frequencies matched, the child was created in unity consciousness with the parents coming together as one.

To create the child male and female entities would come together and join energies at the crown, heart and sacral chakras. They would use sound to tone the child into being. The couple would join hands to create an energy flow between their hearts.

They would focus the Love energy through conscious awareness to create the child. They used their breath to build the energy, breathing love into each other and creating the child between them. The parents connected all their chakras, merging their light bodies. The two matrices of the male and female moved in and through one another and from that merging, a totally new geometry was formed.”

As we are now in the in-between phase of moving from the 3rd dimensional state into the 5th many women are starting to experience becoming pregnant interdimensionally and having the ability to bring forth higher-frequency children. The gestation period may be longer than our 3rd dimensional paradigm 40 weeks, as it takes longer to bring forth these souls into physical form. They require the perfect energetic environment to come forth into this world. Their birth into existence helps with the evolutionary shift with the planet moving into a higher dimension.

During this time and the transition of the earth shift many women are now going through this experience including myself ~ this is a huge focus of my work in understanding the process and assisting others through this journey as it is one of the many ways through the Ascension process. It’s miraculous, beyond this world and I can honestly say the most life-changing process to go through. This is written from my own soul understanding and experience.

And would encourage anyone who is going through this to know that you aren’t alone as I have been in the background supporting many women through various stages of this process and although I haven’t openly shared this work I have felt it wasn’t the right time until now.

Through each person, I work with I gain deeper and more valuable insight and understanding of the process and see it from a bigger perspective. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind this plays a major role in the Ascension process and as everything unfolds and transforms so does, this process of birthing children in every aspect from the preparation of the body, twin connection, energy/light conception, gestation timeframe (moving out of linear time) and the birth process too.

Written by Alisha Braché

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